Universidad Antonio Nariño - SDG - Sustainable Development Goals
SDG - Sustainable Development Goals

SDG - Sustainable Development Goals (10)

La UAN comprometida con el ODS2 "Hambre Cero"

La Universidad Antonio Nariño para compartir con sus docentes y estudiantes información de base científica sobre la biotecnología moderna, como en oportunidades anteriores, participa de la alianza con Agro-Bio y la Embajada de Estados Unidos para llevar a la Universidad el webinar denominado El arroz dorado, un transgénico al servicio de la humanidad.


Para este evento contaremos con dos importantes conferencistas:

Adrian Dubock (Suiza)

Miembro de la Junta Humanitaria del proyecto de Arroz Dorado. Zoólogo de la Universidad de Gales y con un Doctorado de la Universidad de Reading del Reino Unido. Trabajó como científico para el sector público en el Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación del gobierno del Reino Unido y para el sector privado para diferentes compañías que le permitieron conocer diferentes países y las realidades de estos. Durante la última década de su carrera en Syngenta (1997-2007), su trabajo se centró principalmente en la biotecnología, abarcando la frontera entre la tecnología y sus aplicaciones comerciales (y humanitarias).

Adrian es el arquitecto de la asociación público-privada que ha hecho posible el arroz dorado. Un proyecto con una amplia visión estratégica, basado en el respeto por los procesos multidisciplinarios necesarios para llevar una idea a través de la investigación a convertirse en un producto que alcanzara justicia para las personas necesitadas.

En 2013 fue nombrado por Scientific American World View como uno de los “tres expertos en biotecnología agrícola…. por posibles soluciones para abordar la crisis mundial del hambre”: reconocido personalmente por llevar la filantropía a la industria y con otros dos por emplear la ciencia al servicio de la humanidad.

Desde julio de 2008 ha sido el Gerente de Proyectos para el Arroz Dorado y desde julio de 2010 también el Secretario Ejecutivo de la Junta Humanitaria del Arroz Dorado.

María Andrea Uscátegui (Colombia)

María Andrea Uscátegui es la Directora Ejecutiva de la Asociación de Biotecnología Vegetal Agrícola, Agro-Bio para la región Andina. Desde allí su trabajo profesional se ha centrado principalmente en brindar el soporte científico y asesoría a la labor educativa y de divulgación de la biotecnología agrícola moderna aplicada a plantas.

Realizó sus estudios profesionales de Microbiología Industrial en la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, posteriormente realizó un Máster en Ciencias en Biotecnología en la Universidad Técnica de Hamburgo (Alemania). Cuenta con más de 10 años de experiencia en el área de biotecnología.

Ha participado como especialista y asesora en comités del sector agrícola y biotecnológico, así como conferencista en diferentes eventos académicos y congresos a nivel nacional e internacional.

Registrese aquí para el webinar.

4 de nov:

Una vez las personas se inscriban recibirán la confirmación con el link de conexión.

El Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) comparte ofertas laborales de interés con la Universidad Antonio Nariño e invita a aquellas personas que cumplan con el perfil a aplicar y revisar permanentemente aquí el enlace de ofertas.


Desde la ORI se invita a toda la comunidad UAN a compartir las ofertas con posibles interesados.

Explore la amplia variedad aquí de cursos gratuitos y multilingües sobre temas de seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, desarrollo social y económico y gestión sostenible de los recursos naturales. Todos estos cursos contribuyen a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS).



Evento "Líderes ASCUN en las alianzas estratégicas por cada ODS de la Agenda 2030", organizado por la Asociación Colombiana de Universidades – ASCUN

Andrés Salguero, Jefe Oficina Gestión de la Generación de Conocimiento de la VCTI, compartió los aportes de la UAN al ODS 2 en materia de investigación, en el marco del evento Líderes ASCUN en las alianzas estratégicas por cada ODS de la Agenda 2030”, organizado por la Asociación Colombiana de Universidades – ASCUN.

Conozca los detalles del evento y de los aportes de las IES en Colombia a la Agenda 2030 aquí.


The Outreach National Director of the Universidad Antonio Nariño participates in the essay entitled Comprehensions for a Policy for the Future of the Earth: The Narrative of the South American Andes in the Face of the Global Climate Crisis, which has been recently published [on line] by the Pace Environmental Law Review (PELR) of the Elisabeth Haub School of Law of Pace University.

This participation is a demonstration of UAN's contribution and commitment to the SDGs.

Se adjunta PDF.

El link de acceso es el siguiente: https://digitalcommons.pace.edu/pelr/vol38/iss2/5/
[Citación recomendada: Erick Pajares G., Eduardo Calvo B., Jorge Iván Palacio P., Juan José Munar M., Carlos Loret de Mola, Darío Espinoza M., Yuri Godoy P., and Gustavo Mora R., Ancestral Comprehensions for a Policy for the Future of the Earth: The Narrative of the South American Andes in the Face of the Global Climate Crisis, 38 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 383 (2021)].

Nov 07


Escrito por

Our Commitment

Antonio Nariño University attempts to reach its goals by establishing mechanism such as our Institutional Development Plan (IDP) 2017 - 2021. It includes clear references to sustainable development, embracing its purpose to prepare students for an inclusive and sustainable society. UAN recognizes the challenges to build a nation in peace, with a growing and sustainable economy, with an efficient use of its own resources through taking care of its public service expenses and monitoring of the environmental impact of its facilities. UAN is looking forward to creating a culture of sustainability and environmental concerns in the communities where it develops its functions.

By nature, UAN is a diverse university where faculties evolve in different ways. The Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty was the first academic entity to embrace the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by integrating its principles in its curricula and syllabi. Today, students in the second half of their career complement their learning process by addressing challenges proposed by professors. SDG6 and SDG2 are closely related to the Faculty. Faculty also suggest that all students enrolled for an elective course in SDGs.

Students are the citizens that will manage private and public organizations in the future. Thus, we expect they act in a more sensitive manner and make more accurate decisions with positive impacts for human kind and the planet. The challenge we face is how to motivate others to adopt and integrate these experiences and practices in their activities. Initially, in 2018, we created a SDG task force, which included our President, Deans, Vice-presidents, the Internationalization Officer and the Planning Officer.

This collaborative and participative work dynamics for the development of strategic projects in the University has been coordinated by the UAN Internationalization Laboratory (UAN INT-LAB). In fact, the connection between internationalization and SDGs is one of the topics we are most interested in developing.

We believe in the future, and we believe in our students. We believe in collaboration, in adoption and in sharing and scaling up project outcomes and good practices; this will result in progress. We believe in international, interdisciplinary and intercultural approaches. We believe in a better world. We hope to End Hunger.

Our Strategy


Integrate the SDGs in the teaching and learning processes

• Training teachers, academic coordinators on includingSDGs approach in the curriculum

• Attract international students

• Offer institutional elective courses and subjects on SDGs

• Involve UAN and international studdents on SDGs projects, workshops and activities

Promote research initiatives for Sustainable Development

• Identify academic and scientific production on SDGs

• Identify “champion” researhers

• Publish scientific products

• Funding and cooperation

• Internationalization Leaders commission on SDGs

• Participation in international events

• Advising the Project design on SDGs

• Dissemination of mobility, cooperation and training opportunities in SDGs

• Identify funding opportunities on SDGs

• Dissemination of information on SDGs

• Participation in national and international events

• Identify projects realted to SDGs

• Training Offer on SDGs

• Community field work

• Contribution to National Policiy on SDGs

 IAU - HESD Cluster - SDGs

Higher education (HE) plays a key role in achieving the 2030 Development Agenda and related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Leaders of universities and other higher education institutions, academic and administrative staff, students and other HE stakeholders are driving the processes towards a more sustainable present and future. The Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) global portal is a tool developed by the International Association of Universities; it provides access to actions and initiatives developed around the world to promote sustainability. Make sure you are part of it!


Our leadership: SDG2 - End Hunger: How to build an international team that reaches the goal? Preliminary Experiences  

UAN IAUHESDClusterIn June 2018 our President formally embraced the IAU Global Cluster on HESD initiative. The University leads the work related to SDG2 – “End Hunger”. That was a clear motivation for the academic community to get on board as they also see the relevance of the SDGs for Colombia and for the world. SDG2 allows for the contribution and the collaboration of at least half of our Faculties in Sciences, Health, Industrial, Electronics, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Sciences, and Arts. To contribute and guide the impact of research results on the SDG´s, The Science, Technology and Innovation Vice-presidency, included this program in the Annual Internal Research Call for Project Funding for 2019. The call includes a special track to submit proposals related to SDG2 and SDG6 with participation from International (IAU), national and regional and internal research groups. The community impact of work linked to the SDGs are accounted for in the proposal evaluation.

The accepted projects will start in August 2019. In order to develop the full action plan to address the challenge identified as part of SDG 2, different national and international actors are invited on board. UAN seeks to connect with various actors, at the national and international level, interested in contributing to SDG 2 and expanding their networks of cooperation in SDG research and practice. We aim to generate knowledge through networking and will use diverse mechanisms to connect and communicate. We wish to contribute at the local level and offer inputs to those initiatives addressing the 2030 development agenda at the international and global levels. The invitation to those who wish to participate is open.

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

More information click here.




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